Working with a model can be one of the most amazing experiences of your photographic life. This is especially true if you have an experienced model that can knock out poses in rapid succession by themselves so that you can concentrate on the photography. We’ve featured this kind of fast posing before. But this clip I recently saw on Facebook, takes this to an entirely new level. Now this lady knows how to rapid fire pose. 30 poses in 15 seconds, and that includes a short break in the middle to receive a prop!

It’s fascinating to watch the tiny changes made from shot to shot. Seeing things evolve without any input from the photographer. Of course, with a shoot like this, variety is the key. You want the most options available to best suit the layout of the page and the product. I can think of three models I’ve worked with that would give this guy a run for his money. But I’ve yet to shoot with anybody that can do the kind of rapid fire posing the lady above demonstrates. I’m not even sure my flashes would be able to keep up.