Do you have an insatiable lust for the latest and greatest gear? If so, you probably have Gear Acquisition Syndrome, a made-up cheekily known as G.A.S. throughout the web. While it’s fun to play and experiment with the newest gear that gets released month after month, the reality is it’s not the gear that will make you a better photography. It’s practice and knowledge, two things you can gain with even the cheapest of camera equipment. If you’ve been bitten by the G.A.S. bug already though, don’t worry. Miguel Quiles and Jeff Rojas, known on YouTube as ‘These Guys’ have come together to share three tips to help cure G.A.S. During the 7-minute video, Quiles and Rojas break down three of their favorite tips for quitting cold turkey on picking up unnecessary photo gear. Below is a rundown of the three tips given: Hopefully you took away a few tips throughout the video. What are some of your favorite tips and suggestions for making the most of the gear you have and not buying up more? [via Fstoppers]

Three tips for curing G A S   Gear Acquisition Syndrome  - 64