Have you ever imagined your favorite movie and cartoon characters in funny, absurd situations? Brazilian photographer Jefferson Bongarthner has, and he turned these situations into reality. Jefferson is a toy photographer and his favorite character is Woody from Toy Story. In his portfolio, Woddy and his friends from other cartoons and films get into all kinds of adventures. These photos are really fun, and they are made using only practical effects.

A post shared by ⭐️Jefferson | Toy Photos (@jrbonga) As Jefferson tells DIYP, he has been very passionate about photography and animation. Eventually, he decided to venture into Instagram and today his funny toy photos have more than 23,000 Instagram followers. He makes photos with toys and action figures and combines the characters from different movies and cartoons. What’s more, he even combines their bodies and heads and makes these imaginary situations even funnier. I mean, can you imagine Woody in a Spiderman suit eating spaghetti “Lady and the Tramp” style?

A post shared by ⭐️Jefferson | Toy Photos (@jrbonga) He puts the characters into scenes of our day to day life. For this, he uses miniatures, models, and other materials of easy access to make the scenes more realistic. As he tells us, he tries to make the photos without using Photoshop to manipulate the images. Most of the things you see are made with practical effects and miniatures. And okay, probably some editing to remove the strings if something is suspended in air.

A post shared by ⭐️Jefferson | Toy Photos (@jrbonga)

A post shared by ⭐️Jefferson | Toy Photos (@jrbonga)

A post shared by ⭐️Jefferson | Toy Photos (@jrbonga)

A post shared by ⭐️Jefferson | Toy Photos (@jrbonga)

A post shared by ⭐️Jefferson | Toy Photos (@jrbonga)

A post shared by ⭐️Jefferson | Toy Photos (@jrbonga)

A post shared by ⭐️Jefferson | Toy Photos (@jrbonga)

A post shared by ⭐️Jefferson | Toy Photos (@jrbonga) Jefferson tells us this hobby is still growing in Brazil, although it’s already pretty popular in other countries. Still, he finds it amusing and makes amusing photos for others. And I must admit I really envy photographers who get to play with toys every day, no matter where they come from. If you’d like to see more of Jefferson’s work, you can find him on Instagram and give him a follow.