6 months ago we started the image manipulation store. Today we are celebrating our 1000 member on the Image Manipulation Facebook group (it is an awesome group of compositors, check it out!). It has been an awesome journey and we want to a huge THANK YOU! For 24 hours only we will be selling 100 packages for the ridiculous price of $199. This is a ridiculous price because it includes 100 of our packages. Basically making it a $2-per-package no brainer. Or you can look it at as a 90% discount. Either way if you are a compositor, you can’t afford to miss this sale. This is our way of saying Thank You! for the last six months. It has been a crazy trip and we could not have made it without you. This sale is limited to 200 bundles and 24 hours, which ever goes out first. So maybe it is best not to wait till the last minute.


We included almost everything in the store here, starting with our easy to use overlay textures (smoke, snow, fire, flares and many more) through our hand painted backdrop series, and Brownz wings and toolbox all the way up to the high end decay packages and city series. Click here for the complete list, you will be shocked!


You will literally be getting almost every digital compositing asset you can dream of. There are about 17,000 file making it a 170GB powerhouse for compositing assets. (Don’t worry, you don’t have to download the entire thing right away) Here is what you will be getting:

14,000+ overlay textures410 decay backplates and textures210 80MP super high res city series backplates202 LUT files708+ photos of characters (dancers, clowns, travelers, orcs and so on)Neo Wings and Brownz toolbox


This package aint cheap. I know, but consider the amount of value we packed in for you. If you are planning on getting 5 or more packages during the year, and especially the high end ones like city series, this bundle practically just paid for itself.


The upside is that this is really a great deal and if you get you will probably be set for like. The downside is that we can only sell a few of these, so we are limiting the sale for 200 bundles and 24 hours. After that it is gone forever. Don’t wait, get yours here.