Last week’s biggest news was the successful landing of NASA’s Perseverance rover on Mars. After sending in the first photo it took, NASA now shares Perseverance’s first look at the Martian surface in color, and it’s even more beautiful.

Perseverance’s main mission is looking for ancient signs of life on Mars, paving the way for future human exploration of the Red Planet. In case you didn’t watch the live stream of the landing, you can find it here in 3D and get an immersive and somewhat realistic experience. And if you want a totally unrealistic but fun experience of visiting Mars, you can goof around with this tool.

Perseverance was launched on 30 July 2020 and it reached its destination four days ago, on 18 February. So, the news is still buzzing about it, and I’m sure that Perseverance’s first black and white image will get the status of being iconic. However, I prefer the color version. It makes everything seem more… real. As the first impressions are settling, looking at color images of marks makes me feel that this is all actually happening. Do you have the same feeling?