Just like many other adjustments in Photoshop, teeth whitening can look terrible if it’s overdone. In this video, Unmesh Dinda of PiXimperfect shares the best way to whiten teeth when editing portraits in Photoshop. It’s not just easy and quick, but it will also give you the best and the most natural-looking results.

Once you’ve opened your image, zoom in to see the teeth and create a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. Pick the Hand Tool within the adjustment layer and click on a tooth with the color you want to change. It will usually turn out to be yellow, but Unmesh points out that sometimes it can also be red. Now, move the Hue and the Saturation sliders all the way to the right to see which areas have been affected. On the last slider, adjust that range so only the teeth are affected by the changes you’re about to make. Once you’re satisfied with the selection, bring the Hue and the Saturation sliders back to normal. From this point on, all you need to do is tweak the settings within the adjustment layer. Decrease the saturation, and that can be all. If you want to brighten it up a little bit, you can also increase the lightness. If necessary, you can also shift the hue a little. The teeth will look naturally white after the adjustments – but the tweaks may take the yellow away from the skin. So, click on the layer mask, press Ctrl/Cmd + I to invert it and return everything to the way it was. Select the Brush tool, set the foreground color to white and simply paint over the teeth. If it looks a bit unnatural, you can also decrease the opacity of the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. And you’re done! What’s your preferred method for teeth whitening in Photoshop? Have you tried this one? [The BEST Way to Whiten Teeth in Photoshop | PiXimperfect]