The photography of Mexico based Felix Hernández is nothing short of remarkable. Felix specialises in turning dreams into reality, at least, photographically, and he does it in some absolutely amazing ways. Utilising an array of techniques including miniatures, dry ice and even cigarette smoke, his work shows some elaborate thinking. In this video, we get see some of that process, and a look behind the scenes on how the image “Inner Trip” was made. Felix describes this image as “a journey to my inner self”, bringing yet another dreamy vision to life. Utilising miniature models, long exposure photography and some light painting, he sure seems to have had been on a great ride.

It’s quite amazing how this table full of tools and components turns into the final result we see above.

The amount of work and detail that went into turning the new toy van shown in the previous image into an aged derelict wreck is just beyond comprehension for many of us. Even if we can understand the effort that went into it, most of us couldn’t even come close to reproducing it.

With clumps of tall grass made from the bristles of a paintbrush, fake snow, and an incredible attention to detail, right down to the small stacks of wood holding up the vehicle at the missing wheel, everything comes together perfectly.

When everything’s set just right, it’s time to make the final exposure. A little more dry ice to set the atmosphere, and some light painting.

I don’t know about you, but I could sit and watch Felix work for hours. It’s absolutely mesmerising.

Which techniques shown in the video have you tried? Did they work as well as you’d expected? Let us know, and show us some of your results in the comments.