If you’ve always wanted an easier way to sell your artwork online, then 8×10 could be the app you’re looking for. By connecting to Instagram, your followers can now purchase limited edition framed prints through your posts. It doesn’t matter if you’re a painter, graphics designer, or a photographer, as long as your image looks good framed, then you can earn bucks using it. 8×10 is such a promising concept, and if it becomes successful, then Instagram would surely be more than just a platform to gain exposure for many visual artists. The process seems simple as well. Once you’ve downloaded the app on your phone, you can select the images you’d like to sell and set some terms such as the price, the duration of the sale, and the number of prints you want to sell. You also have the option to include a signature on every photo to make it look more legit.


  Once you’ve set up the prints you want to sell, you can post it on Instagram. Anyone who’s interested to buy can click through your image and will be directed to the 8×10 sale page. The app lets you track the number of prints purchased as well as the number of days left before the sale expires. Anything you earn from that picture will be sent directly to your account in 14 days. The use of 8×10 is free, but they earn a commision from your earnings.

  Since purchases can be made by clicking through your images on Instagram, you may not have to worry about setting up accounts on external websites to sell your pictures in the future. I also like the idea that you can only sell your material in limited editions. If you’re popular on Instagram, it could even further increase the demand for your work. [8×10 via dpreview]